Take 5 Blog!

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Take 5 with Bridget
Bridget Nelson, 2nd year student Bridget, casually smiling for the camera   What are you up to this semester? This semester I am balancing 4 classes, my assistantship in the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness, doing practicum at SCPS, and developing my own study related …
Take 5 with Erika
Erika Hanley, 4th year student Erika at the APA Convention   How was your last semester? Last semester was my first time teaching so I put a lot of effort into growing in that area of my education and journey. I was also struggling to figure …
Take 5 with Jess
Jess Goergen, 2nd year student Jess (center) and fellow program members, Cassandra and Bridget, celebrating Auburn basketball making it to the Final Four!   What have you been up to this semester? Great question! I am in my second year of the COP program and during …
Take 5!
"Take 5!" is a way for prospective students to get to know what our current students are doing, as well as getting a first-hand account of what grad school life is all about. Every month, a current student takes a few minutes to answer 5 questions (plus a fun bonus …
Take 5 with JB
JB Mitchell (4th year student) JB and his fiancee, Keri, rolling Toomers! What have you been up to this semester? Too much! I have been doing a therapy and an assessment practicum, working at my assistantship, and writing my dissertation. I also got engaged recently, so I've been trying to …

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