Take 5 with Jess

Jess Goergen, 2nd year student

Jess (center) and fellow program members, Cassandra and Bridget, celebrating Auburn basketball making it to the Final Four!


  • What have you been up to this semester?

Great question! I am in my second year of the COP program and during this year you take classes and begin practicum at Student Counseling and Psychological Services here at Auburn. I am also a part of Dr. Suh’s Cultural Studies Lab and am working on a number of research projects. For my assistantship, I work in Student-Athlete Support Services and assist with academic eligibility for the football team. When I am not being a student, you can find me tanning by the pool usually taking a nap — kill two birds with one stone, right?

  • What do you wish you had been able to do more of this semester?

I wish I was able to spend more time doing self-care. Even for a field that preaches self-care and its benefits, it’s easy to put it on the back burner during grad school when you have so many other things to do, but it is extremely necessary nonetheless

  • Where do you see yourself after completing the program?

I see myself doing a variety of things and I am trying to use my time in the program to potentially have a number of different options upon completion. For right now, I plan on pursuing Sport Psychology to work with college student-athletes. However, I also see myself working in private practice and possibly teaching at some point as well.

  • What is your favorite part of ACOPS?

I love the social events that ACOPS hosts. It gives everyone in the program a chance to hang out and pretend like we don’t have 5+/- assignments to do later that week (yikes lol)

  • What has been your favorite trip and why?

 My favorite trip was in 2017 when my sister and I went to Peru about a year after I studied abroad there! I got to show her where I lived and went to school in Cusco. And, of course, the trip ended with a visit to Machu Picchu! Highly recommend Peru if you’re looking for your next vacation.